Second Masters

First Masters / Bachelors

Minor Projects

Agromet Help Desk

A tool for the agricultural scientists, which can help them to give advice based on the weather based data. This Project was a part of a big project issued by the government of India. Java Server Pages was used as the backend web technology, with MySQL as DBMS, and HTML and CSS for making web designing.

Summarization of papers to generate slides

Research Papers in the form of html files were given, which were then parsed and its content was summarized to generate slides, it also consisted of images, tables, and recursive links. Summarization techniques like cosine similarity and TF-IDF were used.


An Interpreter on top of scheme which could do arithmetic, call functions, had explicit and implicit stores, could handle exceptions. [Scheme]

Bash Shell

It could execute bash commands and had pipe and redirection facility. [C++]

Proxy Server with Cache

A TCP based proxy web server that serves out HTTP requests of clients with a cache replacement policy. [C++]

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